Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Happy Leap day! 2/29/12

I had a teacher who was born on February 29th and I also had a student who was born on this day as well.

Today started of gross and rainy again.  We went to the gym and played.  They like to shoot baskets, roll on the mats, and push the elevator buttons.

Racing to find the elevator button...they both passed it.

Hunter and I leave tonight to fly into Boston.  After hardly any snow this year, they are getting some today.  Figures!  But, at least Hunter will get to play in some snow while we are there.   We're driving to NY on Thursday and going to celebrate my aunt's 90th birthday this weekend!  I'll try to post each day while I'm there, but I'll have to update with photos when I return.  Chris and Austin are going to stay in Raleigh and spend some good quality time together.  :)

Hunter was really excited to go on the plane.  He had not been in awhile, which he pointed out to me.

Waiting for our flight...which was delayed due to weather.  Figures!

We arrived in Boston and Hunter insisted on pulling the big suitcase.

While we were waiting for Jill to pick us up, Hunter was standing next to an automatic door and pretending to use his powers to open and close it for people.

When we walked outside it was freezing and Hunter thought it was quite funny that we could see our breath.  We didn't get back to Jill's apartment until 10:30 or so, but Hunter was up at least until midnight!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dancing Queens...and Kings

Austin and Ella LOVE to dance.  I put music on in Austin's room or Pandora on downstairs and they just run, skip, hop, and fall.  They have the best time!

Dancing in circles...

Falling to the floor...

Cam crawled over towards the door and was banging on the gate...get me out of here!

Big boy eating cereal...but, he looks so little to me with his feet just barely sticking out from under the tray.

Today Austin started to sing his ABC's with me and Ella.  Ella loves to sing it over and over again.  One day Austin must have had enough because he looked at her and yelled, "no more!"  But, today he wanted to sing with us.  Too cute!

We went to Party City tonight to get some supplies for Austin's 2nd birthday.  I gave the boys a lollipop to keep them busy.  I guess I forgot how messy Austin gets when he has a lollipop.  He had a stream of lollipop drool coming out of his mouth the entire time.  It was so gross.  I am sure Party City employees were  happy to have us there!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Quiet Monday

Today was a quiet rainy day.  Austin, Ella, and Cam had a lot of fun playing.  This morning when Cam first got here we went upstairs to Austin's room to play.  Austin was bringing him toy after toy and just watching him...almost like he was telling him to play. 

When Ella got here Cam was sleeping, but she waited patiently for him to wake up.  Then she started sharing toys.  I really have to watch what they give him.  One of them gave him a Hurricane's hockey ticket...another one gave him Hunter's watch. 

That was the only picture I took today. 

Tonight when I was reading to of his star wars books...he was quizzing me on star wars knowledge. 

Hunter: "Mom, does Count Dooko have a red light saber or green?" 
Me: "green?" 
Hunter: "(buzzer noise) WRONG!!" 
Hunter: "Mom, is _____ a good guy or bad guy?" 
Hunter: "Mom, do you think ______ can shot lightening out of his hands or block lightening with his hands?" 

The questions go on and on, but listening to him makes me realize how fast he is growing up.  He's already looking forward to his 7th birthday (which I told him he wasn't allowed to have).

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Conditioner, Lotion, and Cauliflower...

Chris and Hunter got their haircuts today while Austin and I did a little shopping at Brier Creek.  We all went to BJ's afterwards and as we were loading up the car I noticed that Chris was opening the conditioner I had just bought.  He made a comment on how he was glad this was lotion and not conditioner as he smeared it all over his hands.  I said, "but, it is conditioner."  His response was, "no it's not...are you joking?"  At least it wasn't shampoo!

A friend suggested this recipe for me to try...I thought I would give it a shot tonight.  It is pizza using cauliflower as the crust.

I wasn't going to tell Chris about the crust until after he ate it, but I told him and his reaction was not very pleasant.  But, I made it anyways...

Here is the "crust" before it went into the oven:

The "crusts" after baking in the oven for about 15 minutes:

Chris giving his approval:

Hunter giving his approval:

After about five minutes, or so, this is what was left of the pizza:

Austin didn't want to try to try the pizza...instead he wanted, "bean beans and dog dogs" aka...grean beans and hot dogs.  Here he is with a few M&M's after dinner.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Better post this early before I fall asleep again...

The boys playing a video game this morning.  Austin was making sure he had a good view!

This morning/afternoon I was able to visit the spa for a facial, massage, hair cut, and manicure.  I had purchased a living social deal back in August and it expired on February 29th.  It was great!

When I came home this is what I found:

Chris was teaching Hunter about batteries and electricity.  They made a lemon juice battery that produced about 3 volts and was able to light a little red bulb. 


Chris took Hunter to get a skateboard today...even though I said no.  They came back with a skateboard and the protective gear to go with it.

Hunter being silly and pretending to fall and use his wrist guards, knee pads, and helmet.

A quick video of his first attempts at riding it...

Can't believe I forogot Feb. 24th, 2012!

I am always so tired by the time Friday comes around.  We got the kids to bed last night and I passed out a few minutes later.  So, I forgot to post for 2/24/12.

We went to visit Hunter at school today while he ate lunch.  All the kids loved Ella and Austin.  Austin was putting on a usual.

It was warm and humid today with the threat of severe weather.  It poured for about 30 minutes in the early evening, but that was about it. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nice spring day in Raleigh

Day two of super warm spring like weather...I love this time of year!  After picking Hunter up from school we went to a nearby playground and met up with a few friends.

Ella has really been into climbing lately.

Checking out the small graveyard near the playground.  Hunter always likes to go look at it. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where did the week go?

I spent most of today thinking it was Monday.  I even woke up this morning not knowing where I was or what I was supposed to be doing. 

We didn't do much today besides play at the house.  Austin and Ella went on a tour of a nearby elementary school with me.  We are debating on moving Hunter to a school closer to home.  I really liked the school, but when I went to pick Hunter up today I felt a little sad that he may not be there next year.  He has a wonderful group of students/friends at that school.  And, the school has a lot to offer with electives that many schools in our county to do not offer.

We went to the playground because it was a little over 70 degrees!  Quite the change from this weekend.

After dinner the boys ate some of their Valentine's Day chocolate.  Austin loved can see it all over his face!

We all went for a walk around the neighborhood tonight.  Taking a walk now is hard with Austin, because he wants to walk.  That is great...if it would walk a little faster and if our streets had I put him in the ergo.  He was happy at first, but then realized he wanted to be like his brother.  So, he spent most of the walk asking for his shoes and saying walk over and over.

While walking Hunter was quite the chatterbox.  His best line of the night was, "If you go outside naked will the police give you a ticket or take you to jail?"  I think he was considering it until Chris said you would go to jail.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Fun trip, but happy to be home!

Everyone was pretty tired from yesterday at the water park, so we all slept quite well.  We actually got to sleep past 8:00 a.m.

The boys giving their approval of a good night's sleep.  (Austin looks pretty funny with his pajamas partially opened)

Hunter gives his approval of breakfast!  The rooms have a fridge and microwave so you can bring in your own food.

I didn't take many pictures at the water park today.  Here's Austin all wrapped up:

There was a kids fort with a bucket of water that dumped out on to people below every so often.

Hunter FINALLY decided he liked water slides.  He went on a few over and over again.  Austin and I were waiting at the bottom of one to get his picture.  You can hardly see him in the tube.

There was one ride that Hunter could not go on and there is no way he would have gone on it if he could...but, Chris and I took turns watching the kids and going on rides alone.  This was our favorite.  It's called the Howlin Tornado.  This is just an image from online...not us on it.  

Packing up the room...this is where I found Hunter.  I guess he didn't want to leave!

Hunter on his "quest" through the lodge.

The main entrance of the lodge.

Where this boy got the habit of dancing on tables...I will never know.  :)

Proof I went to Great Wolf Lodge with Chris, Hunter, and Austin...

And proof my children are allowed to have sweets.  Some people think I deprive them of sugar.  Far from the truth!

We all had a lot of fun and look forward to going back again someday!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Great fun at Great Wolf Lodge!

The snow that fell last night was just on the grass this morning.  We left around 10am to head to Concord, NC to visit The Great Wolf Lodge.  (Hunter's birthday present)  The roads were dry and the drive was pretty quick.  It took a little over 2 hours.

Austin snacking on some cucumbers on the way. 

Hunter's silly expression as we approached our destination. 

Great Wolf Lodge!  An indoor water park/resort.

I read that we could not check in until 4:00pm, but that we could start using the water park at 1pm. We got here a little after noon and our room was already ready. The boys had fun checking out the room. They have their own separate bed area with a bunkbed and their own TV.

Hunter took about 17 pictures of the television from the top bunk.

We made it down to the water park a little after 1 and stayed until about 5:00pm.  There is a section for young children that both boys liked.  Austin went down the little slides over and over again.  Hunter is tall enough to go on all of the water rides except for one.  I took him on a big raft ride and he was having a great time until the end.  He didn't like how we got splashed.  So he spent about 30 minutes sulking.  He eventually got over it and had fun in the pool and the wave pool.  I bribed him to go on another water slide.  He had been asking for a magic quest wand, so I told him if he went on the slide he could get one.  It worked...and he loved it.

Hunter and his new magic quest wand.  It's a game here at the lodge (and other places) where you wave the wand around to open different things/find object, etc...

Hunter eating a salad...wonder where he got that habit from?

When the waitress asked who wanted dessert Hunter responded with, "This guy right here." And was pointing to himself.

Austin realizing he was the only one at the table that did not have a piece of chocolate cake.

The boys with their wolf ears...for some reason it came with their dinner?

Austin and his new wolf.  They have their own little "build a bear" store. 

Having fun in the arcade.

Looking forward to another fun day tomorrow!  The boys were so tired we didn't make it down to story time.  Next time, I guess.