We didn't do much today besides play at the house. Austin and Ella went on a tour of a nearby elementary school with me. We are debating on moving Hunter to a school closer to home. I really liked the school, but when I went to pick Hunter up today I felt a little sad that he may not be there next year. He has a wonderful group of students/friends at that school. And, the school has a lot to offer with electives that many schools in our county to do not offer.
We went to the playground because it was a little over 70 degrees! Quite the change from this weekend.
After dinner the boys ate some of their Valentine's Day chocolate. Austin loved it...you can see it all over his face!
We all went for a walk around the neighborhood tonight. Taking a walk now is hard with Austin, because he wants to walk. That is great...if it would walk a little faster and if our streets had sidewalks...so I put him in the ergo. He was happy at first, but then realized he wanted to be like his brother. So, he spent most of the walk asking for his shoes and saying walk over and over.
While walking Hunter was quite the chatterbox. His best line of the night was, "If you go outside naked will the police give you a ticket or take you to jail?" I think he was considering it until Chris said you would go to jail.
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