Stella is three months old and changing every day. She is not a teeny tiny baby anymore, but it's fun to watch her grow.
3 month weight (home scale)- 15lbs! Yes, you read that correctly. 15lbs on the dot!
Compared to 2 month well baby stats:
weight: 12 lbs 10oz - 90th percentile
height: 23 1/2 inches - 87th percentile
head circumference: 15 inches - 33rd percentile
And compared to birth:
weight: 7lbs 6oz
height: 21 inches
head circumference - 33cm (which is about 13 inches)
Some little bits of info about her:
- She is getting a little more consistent with her awake/nap times (when we're home, that is)
- still sleeping great on her back with our without a swaddle
- follows voices and looks around and is starting to bat at things more
- She's in size 2 diapers
- Wearing some 3 month clothes, but they are getting to small...3-6 and even 6 months fits much better!
- nurses every 2-3 hours during the day
- Pretty much sleeping through the night. She'll go anywhere from 6-9 hours without waking. That's a full nights sleep for me!
What she enjoys:
- pretty much the same as 2 months
- her mobile
- still loves her swing
- playing on her activity mat
- bath time...she kicks like crazy and it calms her down if she's upset
- she gets really excited when we talk to her...kicking and talking back
- her brothers
What she could live without:
- being left alone
- still doesn't dig tummy time
3 month pictures:
These are NOT good pictures of her. Her eyes were all funny and she would not keep her legs down or straight. But, they're funny.
She was so wiggly, Winnie would not stay on the floor for her picture for very long.
"Will someone please feed me? I'm starving over here!"
Hopping out of her mug.
These are NOT good pictures of her. Her eyes were all funny and she would not keep her legs down or straight. But, they're funny.
She was so wiggly, Winnie would not stay on the floor for her picture for very long.
"Will someone please feed me? I'm starving over here!"
Hopping out of her mug.
And now Stella at 3 months and Caleb at 2:
Neither of them would really straighten their legs...again...pretty funny shots.
"Hey, everyone! What's up?"
Neither of them would really straighten their legs...again...pretty funny shots.
"Hey, everyone! What's up?"