Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Weekend of Packing and Some Comedy

We woke up Saturday to a frozen yard...good thing we didn't have anywhere to be first thing in the morning.

Swim anyone?  There were icicles everywhere.

Debby came up to help with the boys so Chris and I could get some work done around the house.  Our new floors are being installed on Thursdays, so I spent a lot of time getting items boxed up from closets, dressers, under the bed, etc..

We also rearranged items in the attic and got rid of a bunch of things.  

Saturday night we went to the DPAC to see Robin Williams.  It was pretty funny.

 Today we went to pick up the flooring.  Chris had to lug in 54 cases of flooring upstairs.  Fun times!

Last Monday, Jody sent me pictures of the stairs for the beds.  I forgot to add these photos...still no drawers and they need to be stained to match the rest of the bedroom furniture.  I had asked him to add a few bookshelves at the bottom, but instead he installed a few cubbies which are perfect because they do not add to the length of the bed.

Today he sent pictures of what he finished this weekend.  It looks great.  

So excited to see the finished product!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Crazy Week Recap

I'd like to start off by saying that the reason I did not post anything all week is because our cable and Internet went out late Monday night and did not come back on until Thursday.  It was awful.  

Chris left Monday evening for the week to go to Kansas for work.  The first two things I had to deal with after we dropped him off at the airport was a pee soaked car seat (disgusting and really hard to clean) and a clogged toilet.  That should have been my sign the week was going to should I put it, crappy?

We ended our night with renting a movie from on demand and had an uneventful rest of the evening.

Tuesday, 1/22/13

The kids were out of school again today for a teacher workday.  It was also FREEZING outside.  And...even better our cable and Internet were out.  

The kids were fine without TV, which they don't watch much anyways and at one point I found Hunter reading a Captain Underpants book to Andrew.  So cute!

After lunch I had enough indoor fun with four kids and we headed out to a playground.  Once we got there we found out it was under construction.  So, we set out to find another one.

All of the boys jumped out of the car and headed towards the playground equipment and I was waiting for Ella.  I closed my front driver's side door as she was on her way out the back door I heard this yell from her.  It took me a second to realize her little hand had been closed in the door.  I tried to open it, it was locked...fumbled for my keys and expected to see a mangled hand that was finger less.  Instead, her hand was fine...she was fine.  I felt awful.

But, within a few minutes she was off playing and using her hand just fine.  They wanted to go down near the water, but I made them stay far away from it.  I had forgotten Austin's hat, so he wore my scarf around his head.

Once we got home I put in the one and only 3D movie we have and let the kids watch a bit of it.  Love this picture...

Later that night, Hunter had to finish his Famous American project.  

 The boys were in bed on time and so was I...unfortunately, that night Austin woke up moaning several times and kept me up until 2:30.

Wed. 1/23/13

I got up early to make sure I could get myself ready before the boys woke up.  We made it to school on time and headed home.  A few friends came over to play for a bit.  It was another cold day.

 Tonight I took the boys out to get a few movies from a red box.  We also borrowed our neighbors HD antenna.  Wish I had thought of that a few days before.  Survived another day/night.

Thursday, 1/24/13

This morning I had to head downtown after dropping Hunter off at school.  So while we were there we stopped by Marbles to play for the morning.  It was 10 times better then last weekend when we went.  There was hardly anyone there for the first hour and it was just not crowded the rest of the time.

Austin made me a ton of pretend pizzas.  He was so busy making pizza he wet his pants.  Not sure what was up with the multiple pant wetting this week, but he came walking over to me with his rain boots full of pee.  Easy to rinse out at least!

We spent a lot of time in the "ball room."

They were in a pretend ambulance.  

Austin was busy grocery shopping...

...while Ella was busy making food.

They played at the water station for quite awhile.  I had to change his shirt because his sleeves were soaked.

We ate lunch and headed home.  By 4pm we found out that school was going to be released 3 hours early on Friday due to an ice storm headed our way.  

We went to return our movies and pick up a few items from the grocery store.  Chris was thankfully able to change his flight for early Friday morning instead of arriving that night.

Oh...our cable and Internet returned today.  

Friday, 1/25/13

Chris left really early and was expected home a little after 11am.  Much better then his original flight that was supposed to arrive around 7:30pm.  I decided to keep Hunter home, because I did not want to deal with the chaos of pick up time.  Schools dismissed FOUR hours early instead of three like they originally said.  

We headed out to pick up Chris just as the snow was falling.  The boys put on their snow boots for the ride.  However after being on the road for a bit it turned freezing rain.  The rain just froze right to the was 24 degrees outside.  I thought my temperature thingy in my car was wrong, but my phone had the same temp.

I'm not sure if living in the south for 12 years has made me a chicken driving in this kind of weather or what, but I made Chris drive home.  Doesn't help that our anti lock brakes do not work in the Tahoe.

Snow boots and a white t-shirt...

Everyone was home safe and sound around noon.  It's pretty icy outside, but by tomorrow mid-day it should be all melted.  I looked at the forecast for next week...70 degrees on Wednesday.  So crazy.

So...our week wasn't so bad after all.  Just busy and tiring.  I was able to take a nap this afternoon.  Another busy weekend in store...

Monday, January 21, 2013

Moon and Jupiter

This afternoon the weather was pretty mild.  We had to get outside to play since the next few days are supposed to be really cold.  Austin was peddling away on his own here.  He would NOT let me help him up the hills.

The playroom is ready for the wall unit.  The crown molding, chair rail, baseboards, door frames and door has been painted.

We took out the big play house we've had in the house since Hunter's 2nd birthday.  It's now outside where it's supposed to be.  The playroom is a bit of a mess right now, but I'm not about to start organizing it until our wall unit is installed.

Tonight the moon and Jupiter are really close together and very bright.  Here's the best picture I could take can see Jupiter right above the moon.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Busy Saturday

This morning it was 27 degrees outside when I woke up to take Schnitzel out (a friend's dog that we are watching).  It wasn't much warmer when I took a walk with a few neighbors at 8am.  However, the day warmed up to close to 60.

I had the boys out of the house all day today so Chris could work on sanding and priming the wood work in the playroom/dining room.  

Hunter had a basketball game.  He does really well on defense.

He actually got a rebound and dribbled it down the court.

Three of Hunter's friends on his team. (Lucas and Kyle, friends from preschool, and Jason)

Lunch with some friends.

After lunch we headed to Marbles.  It's usually pretty crowded on the weekends, but today had more people there then I have ever seen.  If that had been my first time going there I probably would have never returned.  Kids were unattended and acting crazy, the exhibits were super crowded.  I have a feeling a bunch of kids got lost there today.

Austin and I wanted on line for him to take a few swings on these rings.  Right before his turn a little boy stepped in front of him and after watching a ton of other kids just budge in line in front of others I told him to go get to the end of the line.  Then right as he was able to step up this little girl (who had already cut in line) walked up and tried to take the rings.  So, I took the rings back and told her to stop budging and gave them back to Austin.  

Thankfully the boys were content for awhile playing with the water tables.  I was even able to sit down.

Outside they got to see what happened when you mix yeast, peroxide, water, and dish soap.

Finally, I had to bribe them out by buying them a cheap toy from the gift shop.  Two hours was enough!

Schnitzel had been at his own house while Chris was working, so we went to pick him up.  He was all over the boys on the ride back to our house.

Just about finished with the primer.  You can see what color the wood work was by looking at the windows.  We didn't sand or paint them because we'll be replacing them soon.  Tomorrow we should be able to get the two coats of paint on the trim and this room will be ready for the wall unit to be installed!

We had plastic hanging in three different spots so the dust from the sanding would not get into the rest of the rooms.

Flowers Chris brought home for me last night.

 Tired after a long day...I'm going to get these guys to bed and head to bed myself soon!