Friday, January 18, 2013

Weekly Recap 1/14-1/18

Monday 1/14:

The boys had a dentist appointment.  They both did really well.  Austin sat in the chair by himself.  The dentist has been watching the crowding in Hunter's mouth for the last several cleanings.  He was also waiting for his two top teeth to fall out and come back in to see if his bite would change.

However, after this appointment we were referred to an orthodontist because of the crowding and anterior cross bite.  (which is what I had)  So, we have an upcoming appointment scheduled.  We'll see what the orthodontist says.

We stuck around the house the rest of the day.

This cardinal is sitting in a tree right near our kitchen window.  You can see a next right next to him.  Not sure if both male and female cardinals sit with the next.

I found a bunch of pictures like these on my old camera.  

And, he even took a picture of his toes.

His skimpy outfit with my boots and his jacket...outfit he picked out to wear to pick up Hunter.

Tuesday, 1/15:

Just an ordinary day around the house...not a single picture was taken.

Wed. 1/16:

Austin is not just a bed hog, but a pillow hog as well.  He has been waking up in the middle of the night calling for me and telling me he's scared.  Hopefully both boys will sleep better once they are sharing a room.

Sweet friends playing...they love to play together.  Austin is a bit bossy, but Ella is just starting to stand up for herself a bit when she doesn't want to do something.  They like to copy each other.

Hunter has a hard time falling asleep at night.  This is what I found he had done with some toys in his room while "trying" to fall to sleep.  

Thurs. 1/17:

We all woke up late this morning.  I didn't even have time to pack Hunter's lunch.  So, we went to his school and brought his lunch.

After school Hunter wanted to make a map with a map key.  Austin had to make a map as well.

The news was going nuts about this potential snow we were going to get.  It was in the 50s all day and then once the sun set it got chilly, rainy, and windy.  Around 9pm it started to sleet and then really wet snow.  Hunter saw the snow out the window and was so excited so we bundled up and went out for about 15 minutes.

Fri. 1/18:

School was on a two hour delay this morning and the boys wanted hot chocolate with breakfast.  Austin kept calling it his coffee.

Love the broken window in the background!

There was no mention of going outside and then Hunter asked...

This is how much snow we had to play in.

But they had a great time!

I said, "don't go down the slide, it's muddy at the bottom."

Sledding worked!

Snow angel didn't work!

Remember the mud at the bottom of the slide?  Well, Austin went back and tried it out.  He was pretty we went back inside.  

Just as we were headed out this morning to drop Hunter off to school he told me his shoes felt funny.  I realized they looked small and checked the size...sure enough...two sizes too small.  Andrew and Hunter have the same sneakers and Andrew had put on Hunter's as he left yesterday.  So we had to drive to Andrew's school, get him out of class, and switch sneakers.  Kind of funny.

We stayed inside the rest of the day since it was so muddy out.  I moved a lot of toys to our living room because Chris is going paint the wood work in our playroom white tomorrow.

***Sorry for any typos...too tired to read this over at the moment.

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