Friday, January 11, 2013

Our Week

The weather this week was quite nice so we spent a lot of time outdoors.

Monday, 1/7: 

I got home from the dentist and within a few minutes of being home, Ella passed out on the couch.

Kind of a lazy morning...Austin had breakfast in his pjs.

He walked around for a bit smushing his face with two lids.

The outfit he picked for outdoor time:

Ella was not so sure about this ride!

But off they went.  I had a hard time keeping up.  My shoes kept slipping off.

On our way to go get Hunter he grabbed his 3D glasses and said he was ready to go to the movies.

Within a few minutes of our car ride to pick up Hunter, Austin was passed out.  

Then he was still asleep when I took him out of the car and he slept on me for a bit.

This past summer Mom and Ed took Hunter to the Herkimer Diamond Mines.  They found a few small diamonds.  While we were in NY for Thanksgiving, mom took Hunter to a local jewelery store and they picked out a setting to put one of the diamonds in for me to make a necklace.  It did not get here in time for Christmas, but I got it today.

Hunter said, "we worked really hard to find that diamond."

Tues. 1/8:

Pretty much the same day as Monday...we played outside again for quite some time.  Ella and Austin draw attention driving around the block in their car together.

Hunter had a basketball game.  He is doing well!

Wed. 1/9:

Ella and Austin ran to the grocery store with me.  I let them have a muffin for snack.

Austin got a hold of the camera and took about 30 pictures.  Here are a few...Looks like Ella is saying "no" or "wait a minute"

A tattoo

Getting a little better...

Well, maybe not...

She must have been sick of having her picture taken...

Part of his train set...

Hunter was so proud of all the tickets he won (80).  He of course wanted the item that as 3000 tickets.

Thurs. 1/10:

Besides getting our new tv stand today...

We practiced cutting...

Made funny faces...(I had asked him to smile and this is what I got...I swear he was happy)

Played at the playground with some friends...

From this picture I realized I need to go through Austin's clothes, AGAIN, to take out clothes that are too small.

Friday, 1/11:

Thankfully we got so much outdoor time this week because today was rainy and gross.  We had a dance party upstairs, I was able to get all of the laundry done and put away, etc...

Austin insisted on wearing two pairs of underwear.  I tried to take his picture and he knew I guess that's why he decided to moon me.

He spent a ton of time building with legos.

I reserved the Life and Science Museum in Durham for Hunter's birthday party in February and a shelter area at Pullen Park for Austin's in March.  This evening I went swimming at the gym.  I am so tired and falling asleep as I type this, so excuse the typos!  Thankfully, Hunter's game is not until 12:30!  This weekend we need to finalize our flooring.  Hopefully that will be done sooner then later.

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