Tuesday, 4/16:
This week was pretty quiet. The weather was nice.
We went to the play area at North Hills...the kids had fun bouncing and flipping around on all the play mats.
Wed., 4/17:
Cam was having fun trying to figure out the hula hoop. The kids also spent a lot of timing racing back and forth in the gym.
Then we had a picnic lunch and some time on the playground at Lake Lynn.
Thurs., 4/18:
These two are getting really good at building with blocks. They've been playing with them a lot lately.
I finished Stella's blanket the other night. Austin was testing it out for me.
Friday, 4/19:
Friday was an early release day at school. Hunter had a friend over. Everyone had fun. I was wishing for a big tall drink.
Sat., 4/20:
I got up early to take Sadie to a friend's to shave her...then I spent a lot of the day getting the baby's room finalized and getting some things put away in our room.
Chris and I went out to dinner at Second Empire to celebrate a friend's 40th birthday. It was delicious.
The sitter told me the boys fell asleep in the same bed. This is what I found when I walked into their room. Chris lugged Hunter up to the top and it took all of his power to get him up there. Hunter's eyes were open and he kept repeating the word "smile" over and over again. He had a straight face and wide eyes...it was pretty funny. Austin never woke up as we moved him back on to his bed.
Sunday, 4/21:
Today I feel like I just did a bunch of errands...hair cut for the boys, BJs, Whole Foods, Harris Teeter. Thankfully, our old neighbors had us over for dinner so I didn't have to cook. The kids had fun playing there. They were having a "battle" in one of the bedrooms and after asking Hunter about it, I found out the battle included throwing toys and underwear.
Here is Sadie all shaved...she looks a little beefy in the first picture.
10 days until Stella arrives! Single digits tomorrow.
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