Sunday, April 14, 2013

Showers...Pollen, Wedding, & Baby

Monday, 4/8:

Hunter was back in school...we spent the day at home playing.  I got Austin's old car seat out and Ella was instantly in love.  She took it home with her.  

Tuesday, 4/9:

Cam was with us and we played outside for quite a bit...he LOVED the bubbles.

Austin making faces for the camera.

Working on some thank you notes.

Wed. 4/10:

Today was super hot...we played outside with the bubbles for a bit.

Then we headed over to NC State Farm days.  Thankfully, it was not humid and I had someone else pushing the stroller though the grassy field.  (Thanks Mariana!)

Checking out the chicks...Ella, Austin, and Cam did not want to hold them.  





Cam (with socks...Austin forgot his shoes...thankfully Cam was in the stroller for most of the time so Austin crammed his foot into Cam's sneakers for a bit)

Ella petting the goat.

Austin just wanted to look at it...maybe it was a sheep.  

They give out chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry ice cream.  Cam made the funniest faces while eating his.  (the four bites he took)

We finished up by checking out the cows and milk simulator.

Thurs. 4/11:

I was completely exhausted 9:30 I was trying to figure out how I was going to entertain these three.  What seemed like 3 hours later (really only 10am) I pulled a bunch of toys into the living room and planted myself on the couch.  They kept themselves busy!

I felt a little better in the afternoon.  We were up at the bus stop waiting for Hunter and watched this guy cut his tree down.  

My afternoon crew, walking home.

Friday, 4/12:

The pollen hit on Thursday, so by Friday it was just gross it was raining on and off.  So we headed to the Rainbow room to play.

Austin was shaking his head...that's what happens when you use my phone to take pictures.

After Andrew and Hunter got home they wanted to play outside...pollen and all...

Sat. 4/13:

I drove down to Laurinburg for Jessica's bridal shower.  Chris was home with the boys all day.  They went to Hunter's baseball practice, out to lunch, and played.

The shower was nice and Jessica got a lot of great gifts for her new house!

Sunday, 4/14:

Today was Emily's baby shower...she definitely got showered with gifts!

The cupcakes...

The center piece, which was made entirely out of chocolate.

This was Emily's picture she posted on facebook when she announced they were having a boy...this was made out of chocolate too!  (all of it, even the picture...Hunter was amazed!)

Food from Neomonde.  

Jay and his root beer before he left for lunch and mini-golf.

Emily's family

Two excited grandmothers to be!

 The two pregnant neighbors!

She had a bunch of gifts!

Batman bib...

With a cape!

At the end, Hunter and Austin came over to get some of the chocolate.  Everyone broke off a piece to take home.  

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