Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring Break 2013

I had Hunter, Austin, and Ella the week of spring break (4/1-4/5)...we had a busy week.

Monday, 4/1 we met up with some friends at a playground.  It was really warm out and I forgot my camera.

Tues. 4/2 I took them to the zoo in Asheboro, about an hour and a half from Raleigh.  We had a fun time.  The weather was perfect zoo weather, not too hot or cold.

We got there around 11 and ate lunch early right outside of the entrance at the picnic tables.

It took us about 3 1/2 hours to walk all around Africa.  We started off seeing some giraffes, ostriches, and zebras.

We watched the lions sleep in the sun.

Austin took several shots of himself.

He had a little tantrum, so we sat on the bench and waited...

 Then we watched the chimpanzees for quite some time.  There were two baby chimps playing and riding around on their moms.  So cute!


Stinky flamingos, that Hunter kept calling mangoes. (which smell much better)

Taking a break for some ice cream.  (glad we packed our lunch because it was really crowded!)

Checking out some cool African animals, but we missed the rhinos and elephants.

They thought the baboons were funny...

Played in the eggs for awhile.  

On our way out, Hunter was using his new binoculars to check out the huge snapping turtles.

Austin and Ella passed out before we hit the main road.  Fun day, but I was exhausted by the time we got home!

Wed. 4/3:

Another nice day...a little cool, but pretty.  We met some friends at a playground, played and had lunch.

Later we met with a potential piano teacher for Hunter and then stopped by Goodberry's for some ice cream.  (custard)

Then we had ice cream (again) and cake for Emily's birthday.  Yes...Austin had his footed pjs on all day.  His choice, not mine.  

Thurs. 4/4:  

It was a gross day...raining/hail/chilly.  We went and played at a friend's house.  Austin dressed himself...pumpkin shirt inside out, but his socks matched.  :)

Friday, 4/5:

Hunter was invited to go with some friends on a field trip with their homeschool group.  Pictures are out of order...

On the way back from the dairy farm they stopped to check out this Battle of Alamance monument.

Checking out the baby calf at Homeland Creamry.

Feeding the baby calf...2 weeks old.

Milk simulator...


Samantha, Hunter, and James

Lunch on the way home. (thanks for the pictures Jammie)

Ella, Austin, and I spent the day at the house...relaxing/getting things picked up!

Sat. 4/6:

Hunter had baseball practice...

Emily and I made a bunch of meals for when the babies arrive.  I recently bought an ecookbook called from freezer to slow cooker.  All the receipes are with real foods and make two meals.  So we did nine different meals for a total of 18!  Here are mine stacked in the deep freezer.  Most are all ready...some you just need to add one or two things that do not freeze well.

Sun. 4/7: 

Beautiful day...we went to Yogurt Mountain.

Played on the playground...

And had our first grilled dinner of the season.  (no pictures)

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