Oct. 1st 2013...Stella is five months old. I tried to weigh her on our scale and it looked like she was 20lbs. It has to be wrong. I don't think she would have gained almost 5lbs in one month. So, we'll have to get her real weight next month at her 6 month appointment. She is still nursing every three hours and wakes up (occasionally) to nurse around 4am. Around 4 1/2 months she starting kicking her feet a ton...she does this in her bouncy chair and makes it rock. She loves it. She FINALLY rolled over from her back to tummy on Oct. 3rd and was very proud of herself. She's been eyeing my food. She gets really excited about taking her vitamin and she has a deep belly laugh...she's very ticklish and loves to laugh at us when we make funny noises. She also really likes to be held...she'll be happy on her play mat for a bit and entertains herself well, but normally, wants someone to carry her around. Oh...and she gets nervous when other people try to hold her, at times. Here are her 5 month shots...
Oct. 6th...Caleb and Stella... Caleb 4 months, Stella 5 months, they just love to hold hands!
Sept. 22nd 2013... Our annual visit to Hillridge Farms...a local pumpkin farm. The kids had a great time!
Fun on the big bouncy pillow!
Are you laughing at my rolls?
Fun playing in hay!
Austin wouldn't look at me.
Trying to find the best pumpkin...
Well, that was exhausting! (this was the day I realized she needed a pacifier...as cute as her thumb sucking is, I really do not want a thumb sucker....or have to break that habit!)
Recap of Sept. 2013...lots happened, lots of pictures. I had to pick and choose, but there are still a ton! Sept. 3rd...Austin's first day of preschool! Everyone was so excited.
Austin was starting to act a little funny about his shoes as we were leaving and I could tell he was going to be upset when I left the school. Once he saw Ella he seemed to be doing a little better. But, as I was trying to leave he was screaming. The teacher told me to leave, so I did. Stella and I went grocery shopping and just as I stepped in the door (an hour after dropping him off) the phone rang and it was the school. The director told me that he had not stopped screaming and was trying to break out. Literally. So, we headed back to school to get him. I was told he screamed the entire time, was running up and down the hallways trying to find a way out, and also tried to get out of the fenced in play area. He was fine once he got home, ate his lunch I packed him, and then we went back later to pick up Ella and he was acting all normal...like he didn't have a major tantrum at school. He spent the rest of the evening saying he was NOT going back to school and that he was going to be a "bad boy."
Showing off her flexibility...modest is the hottest!
Sept. 4th...Stella's 18 weeks old. Watching the kids with the bubbles!
Sept. 5th...after her vaccines...sleepy baby
Sept. 6th...The kids had a teacher workday, just a few days after school starting. So, our house was full.
Video of tummy time...you can hear all the noise in the background.
At the playground...they were sitting on the bike rack and told me they were bicycles.
Hunter playing first.
Sept. 7th... Caleb 3 months, Stella 4 months...every time I see pictures of the two of them laying next to each other it looks like Stella is double his size.
Austin kept trying to jump into the pictures.
This couch is too slippery, but the pictures are too cute...the kept holding hands.
A turtle came wondering into our yard...
Two thumbs up for Yogurt Mountain!
Sept. 9th...Austin just HAD to find a certain toy and we could not find it anywhere. So, that led to a massive cleaning/organizing of our toy room. He was busy making his toys talk. Every time I tried to video tape his conversations he would stop.
Sept. 10th...
Here's an example of Stella scooting. She was on this mat...
This happened about 5 seconds later.
So I put a large blanket on the floor and she stayed still.
So goes from happy to mad really fast!
Sept. 11th...Stella is 18 weeks old
Sept. 12th...Ella and Austin were at school. I took Stella for a walk and then came back into the house. This is what was at the bottom of my stairs. It's like a death trap.
Sept. 14th...tough life
Sept. 15th...living life on the edge. I have always liked to see how far below E I can get my gas tank. Now, my new car tells me how many miles to E. Of course, I am really curious to see what would happen if it actually got to 0...would my car really run out of gas? Some day I will find out. This day I drove into the gas station with 9 miles left until E. So close...
Sept. 16th...button sort and muffin making
Sept. 17th... Austin LOVES the crafts he makes at school. However, he will not let me hang them up. He usually carries them around until they break. I had this fish hanging on a door knob and he got really mad about it. Later the fish lost an eye...and it was my fault. (according to Austin)
If you look carefully you'll see some brown "stuff" under her armpit. I was trying to figure out how her diaper could have leaked up to her armpit, when I remembered I had eaten some chocolate earlier and it must have fallen on her and melted. Whoops.
Sept. 18th... B is for brown bear...
Stella is 19 weeks old.
Sept. 19th...NC State game...
Full moon
So sleepy!
Sept. 21st... Stella had been blowing bubbles and laughing all morning.
Of course, when I took out the video camera she didn't do either...
Sept. 24...
My neighbor, who is not the youngest or healthiest, up on her roof cleaning the gutters. One day I am going to find her injured or dead and I'm going to have to try to do CPR or something. I'm not looking forward to that. I wish her kids would help her do this kind of stuff.
Austin practicing his guitar.
Their Halloween costumes came...Austin is a "scary ghost" and Hunter is the Grim Reaper.
Sept. 25th... Picnic lunch at the airport observation deck watching the planes take off.
Sept. 26th... Snack for Hunter's baseball team.
Austin got into the band aids...he had zero actual boo boos.
Sept. 27th... (Stella's 20 weeks and 2 days old) Meet Nolan...he's our new friend that spends some time with us while his mom is at work. He's two months old and super cute.
They are 3 months apart...just about the same as Ella and Austin.
Stella all bundled up for her brother's baseball game.
Sept. 28th...we took all three kids to the NC State football game.
A little tailgating...
Aunt Jessica was there!
Austin was kept moving into other seats...
He found an area with seat backs.
And, of course, they wanted snacks.
Stella passed out in the Ergo.
Every time something good would happen Austin would join in with clapping.
I guess that game was tiring.
Sept. 29th... She LOVES her jumperoo...I have a feeling she is going to jump some of her weight right off.
Sept. 30th... The kids were helping decorate for Halloween.