Sunday, November 10, 2013

Stella's Five Month's Old!

Oct. 1st 2013...Stella is five months old.  

I tried to weigh her on our scale and it looked like she was 20lbs.  It has to be wrong.  I don't think she would have gained almost 5lbs in one month.  So, we'll have to get her real weight next month at her 6 month appointment.

She is still nursing every three hours and wakes up (occasionally) to nurse around 4am.

Around 4 1/2 months she starting kicking her feet a ton...she does this in her bouncy chair and makes it rock.  She loves it.

She FINALLY rolled over from her back to tummy on Oct. 3rd and was very proud of herself.

She's been eyeing my food.

She gets really excited about taking her vitamin and she has a deep belly laugh...she's very ticklish and loves to laugh at us when we make funny noises.

She also really likes to be held...she'll be happy on her play mat for a bit and entertains herself well, but normally, wants someone to carry her around.

Oh...and she gets nervous when other people try to hold her, at times.

Here are her 5 month shots...

Oct. 6th...Caleb and Stella...

Caleb 4 months, Stella 5 months, they just love to hold hands!

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