Tuesday, November 5, 2013

August 2013

We had a fun and busy month of August.  Here are some highlights!

8/12:  Stella likes watching the kids swim and thinks about next summer when she'll be joining them more often.

8/13:  Two different times she was passed out after nursing on the same day...tough life!

8/14:  Hunter told me he was a spy and was watching the neighbors.  This is the outfit he chose to wear.  I thought he was joking...

Until I saw him outside staring at a neighbor's house.

15 weeks old today!  Funny looking shots, but that's what I got!

8/15:  Look carefully and you'll see Winnie.  Stella just loves her!

Lots of sand and playground time!

She loves to cuddle with her blankets.

8/16:  I woke up with two of my three children in bed with me.  For such small people, they certainly take up a lot of room!

Flower Power!

8/18:  I've tried to take a picture in each outfit...she has/had so many cute clothes to wear.

And, she naps just about anywhere.  This play mat will knock you out!

8/21...this was a pacifier that was on a cupcake...he has never really used a pacifier, but thinks it's funny to stick this one in his mouth.

8/22: 16 weeks and 1 day...

8/23...last weekday of Hunter's summer break and it was HOT!

Starting to use her bumbo

Cam is back...he started off afraid of the dogs and he would run to Hunter to protect him.  

Mean Mommy making her children go to the PLAYGROUND of all places.  Honestly...he screamed and screamed....and then screamed some more once we got there.  The other parents much have thought I was crazy!

He finally calmed down, just in time for a snack.

8/24...MooMa came to visit.

8/25...Hunter FINALLY decided to learn how to ride his bike.  It didn't take him long at all.  

8/26...first day of 2nd grade!!

Austin wanted to come outside, but was yelling..."where are my clothes!"

Annoyed at these pictures...I had to use my phone because it was so cold inside and super hot outside...as soon as I stepped outside with my camera it fogged up!

We all missed Hunter while he was gone all day...even batman.

Batman taking a quick snooze on the way to pick up Hunter from school!

8/28...17 weeks...after a bath, Miss Wiggle Worm loves to kick her legs!

8/30...the swing is our friend...playing one minute, passed out the next!

A little school time!

Meet the Teacher for Austin...

This was supposed to be a picture of Austin and Ella...Austin took off.

Look at this dirty boy...playing at Hunter's baseball game and he found a grub.  

8/31...Stella and Caleb's first NC State football game.  We got season tickets this year.

It was SO hot out...thankfully our seats are in the shade.  Stella had a nice little nap.

Stella loves her toys!

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