Saturday, May 18, 2013

Hospital Stay

Thurs. 5/2: 

Such a busy day with a revolving door in my hospital room.  I was pretty tired from not really sleeping the first night and then one person after another came into the room for something...nurses, my doctor, Stella's doctor, the lady who cleaned the bathroom, the guy who collected the sharps materials, the cord blood bank people (we were able to donate the cord blood for use for children with childhood cancer), etc...

Then Stella spent hours nursing and I didn't have a chance to by 4:30 in the afternoon, right about when Chris was going to bring the boys, I finally got to sleep for a few hours.  After that I felt much better.

Debby sent us some pink gerber daisies.  Notice Stella's little footprints leaning on the vase.

A little cat nap.

Chris brought the boys over after dinner.  Hunter held Stella a lot.

Austin got a hold of the camera again...

Then he asked to hold Stella.  I love this picture.

He held her for about 30 seconds.

Once they left I went to bed and had a much better nights sleep.

Friday, 5/3:

Chubby cheeks...however, she was still so tiny.  She dropped down to 7lbs 5oz after the first day and then to 7lbs even on the 3rd day.  

We had a bunch of visitors on Friday.  Ella was incredibly excited to meet Stella.  If this picture had sound you would hear her giggling with excitement.  So cute!

After school the boys came and later that evening a few friends stopped by to see her.  She had another good night and was pretty consistent with nursing every 2-3 hours.  I would send her to the nursery after she nursed and they would bring her back when she woke up and was hungry.  Most of the time I woke up as she was being wheeled down the hallway...I could hear her crying.  That is pretty much the only time she cries...she DOES NOT like being hungry.  

Sat. 5/4:

Stella wore her pink hat with a massive flower growing out of it for the Kentucky Derby.

I dressed her in a "real" onesie because I was getting sick of the white shirts they dress the babies in at the hospital.

Nonna flew in first thing on Saturday and came over to see us at the hospital.  Then she went to Hunter's baseball game and came back later with Chris and the boys.

Right after she left Stella had her first diaper I had to change her into a new onesie.  (I learned quickly that girls poop just as much as boys)

Just resting...

Big brothers...Hunter walked in that afternoon and said, "Mom, I hate to ignore you, but I have to go hold my baby sister."

Austin had no interest in holding her..but, was busy playing on his leap pad.   

Stella was up to 7lbs 3oz Saturday night.  I took advantage of one extra night in the hospital.  I'm glad I did because I got a decent amount of sleep that night.

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