Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Busy busy busy...

Today was my last full day in town with my dad, so I had a lot I wanted to get done.  I had to start the day off by shovelling the inch or so of snow off his driveway, but the sun came out 1st thing and helped melt it all. 

I ran a few errands, cleaned a bit more, and hung out with Austin for a bit. 

This afternoon my dad drove his car for the first time in two weeks.  He said he felt human again.  He did well.

I made turkey quinoa meatloaf for dinner and had enough to save for him for tomorrow night and some to freeze.

I took Austin over to my aunt's to say goodbye and he, of course, played with her walking cane...he used it to walk and to sing into.

Back at my dad's he played one last round of cleaning supplies bowling with an orange and got to take a bath in the tub that I used to take baths in when I was little.

Just a few things to finalize before Austin and I leave tomorrow around noon for Boston...then we're flying home to Raleigh.  I can't believe tomorrow is February 1st!  Hunter will be 6 years old on the 11th. 

Hunter had school and then hung out with our neighbors while Chris went to band practice.  Thanks Jay and Emily!

***pictures to follow***

Monday, January 30, 2012

Snowy Monday

Well...we woke up to a few inches of snow.  I went out and shoveled the driveway and back porch.  It was freezing.  When I was out front shovelling the sidewalk I looked up and there were four other people up and down the street shovelling as well.

Mom had Austin up at her house so she took him out in the snow.  He loved it!  Sorry I missed it.

I took my dad to speech and sat with him during his session to see what he was working on.  Then we ran a few errands and came up and started cleaning/organizing his kitchen.  That took a few hours! 

I made white chili for dinner and we had my Aunt Mary Rose and a family friend, Nan, over. 

Austin enjoyed a new farm/cow book that Nan brought him, along with a new truck.  He also was busy playing the drums while I washed the dishes.

Hunter had school today and then a basketball game. 

***pictures to follow***

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunny Sunday...for part of that day.

I packed all of Austin's winter gear hoping he would be able to go out and play in the snow.  There is not any snow on the ground and this morning I woke up to the sun shining.  That doesn't happen often in upstate NY in the winter. 

I got some cleaning done at my dad's this morning and then Austin came over to eat lunch.  I guess he was getting a little sick of me taking pictures of him because he was yelling, "No, no, no!"

I met two long time friends, Katie and Brian, for lunch today.  It was nice to be able to sit and catch up a bit.

I came back and started cleaning more at my dad's and helped him get rid of a bunch of old items he just didn't need.  He also had a bunch of pictures all over the place so I put them into albums.  He had two brand new albums from "Fayes" which was a drug store that closed down here at least 15 years ago.

I went to hang out with my mom and Austin for a bit this evening.  He was happy to see me.  I tried to get him to sleep, but he wasn't having it.  So, when I left he was curled up on the couch with his cow and sock monkey.

Back in Raleigh Chris and Hunter went for a hike at Upstead in the morning and then a birthday party in the afternoon.  Chris has been enjoying Hunter's sense of humor. 

***Pictures to follow***

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Norwich Happenings...

This morning I woke up and my dad was already up and had eaten his breakfast.  He had the radio on.  The radio has to be at least 25 years old, if not older.  It was mine way back when. 

Austin came over for a bit and since he slept in until 9:30 this morning he just would not going down for a nap.  He had a fun time entertaining himself with the wooden blinds, playing toss the ball into the trash can, etc... 

While I was chopping some veggies for dinner he got some of the cleaning supplies all lined up, took an orange off the counter, and started to bowl.  He had a good time bowling, but I took it as a sign that he needed some kids toys to play with.

He got to visit with Riley, my friend Katie's daughter.  They are two months apart.  They had a fun time.  Before we left they gave each other a hug, but I didn't get a picture of it. 

I made Italian stir fry for dinner with couscous.  It was quite delicious. 

I brought Austin back up to Nonna's and he, of course, started playing basketball.  I said he needed some sort of retriever, but then I realized that Ed was his personal ball retriever.

I stopped at Byrne Dairy and got my dad and I an ice cream cookie sandwich.  Even though it is freezing outside I still felt like ice cream.

***Pictures will be added when I return to Raleigh***

Friday, January 27, 2012

Loooooooong day!

Our day started with Austin screaming and waking us up at 3:30am.  He finally went back to sleep after a little bit of milk and being allowed to sleep on top of me.  Thankfully he slept until we woke him up around 7:30.  Poor guy...and poor us.  I think Jill and I got about 2-3 hours of sleep. 

Before heading to NY, Austin and I dropped Jill off at work.  We made a quick stop in to see her office and friend, Kendra.  Austin spent most of the time there playing basketball with a trash can.

As we hit the road Austin found a bunch of balls Jill had in the back of her car.  That kept him busy for a good 20 minutes.  We drove for 2 hours and I thought for sure he would fall asleep.  Nope...so, we stopped for lunch. 

Austin watched a movie and finally fell asleep on the 2nd leg of our trip.  He slept for an hour.  He woke up and saw a train riding along beside us. 

The weather was gross and rainy.  At one point it was so foggy, I could barely see.

We got to my dad's and Austin instantly started entertaining us...by walking around with a trash can on his head.  My dad is doing well.  It's nice to be home with him.

For dinner we had delicious lentil soup made by my aunt.  It's been several years since I've gotten to eat her soup!

I bought Austin a balloon at the grocery store.  He had a great time playing with it...and then, it popped. 

I took him up to my mom's to sleep.  He found all of the balls and the basketball hoop that she brought indoors.  He was also busy sitting at the computer table.  He kept taking things out and putting them back...over and over.

Hopefully he'll sleep better tonight. 

Chris and Hunter are home in Raleigh.  Hunter received his first report card today.  I can't wait to see it!  They went to visit some family for dinner.  I spoke to Hunter as they were driving home tonight and he said he had a fun time with his cousins.

***Pictures will be added when I get back to Raleigh***

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting ready for the cold

Austin and I are flying out to Boston tonight.  We're staying the night with my sister and then driving to my dad's tomorrow morning.  It is a pain packing for cold weather.  I hope Austin will be able to play in some snow.  He'll be staying with my mom...she has been preparing for his arrival.  She'll probably need a 3 day nap after we leave.  :)

Hunter was showing off his new Star Wars shirt this morning.  It's pretty much impossible to get a "normal" picture of him!

We had another nice day.  Austin insisted on going for a bike ride.  Notice the pants he picked out to wear.  Even rolled two times they were still too big.

Right before nap time...I was changing Austin's sheets so these two cuddled up in the glider. 

Austin and I got to the airport...it was pretty empty at check-in.  He got a little scared going through security.  But, once he saw the moving walkways he was fearless.  We rode up and back, up and back...

There was a little bit of a delay so Austin started watching a movie.  Thankfully while we waited I went and asked if there were two seats open together...and there were.  So, Austin only had to sit on my lap for take off and landing.  That was a lifesaver!

He had a fun time on the plane.  He was really excited as it took off.  He had fun watching his movie, peaking under the seats, playing with the lights, etc...

He was funny with his drink.  He kept tucking a napkin under this chin when he would drink out of his sippy cup.

The last 30 minutes of the flight was pretty rough.  I guess his ears were bothering him.  Hopefully they won't bother him on the way home. 

I was actually able to convince him to wear his winter coat when we headed outside after landing in Boston. 

He thought seeing my breath was pretty funny.

Austin was super exciting to see Aunt Jilly.  She got him some sock monkey slippers.  He loved the tags and stickers that came on the slippers.  He finally fell asleep around 12:30am.

***Pictures will be posted when I return to Raleigh***

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Eating breakfast with Austin is always entertaining.  He started off with a bowl of dry cheerios, but since my bowl had milk in it...his had to have "ilk" too.  Then he kept sticking his fingers into my bowl. 

He was making a mess with his yogurt so I got a paper towel to wipe yogurt off the table.  He took his spoon and put more on to the table.  Then he took the towel and wiped it up.  So kind of him.

After breakfast he dug out the paint. He really likes to dip his brush into the water...then the paint...then back into the water. He got annoyed when I tried to show him how to use the brush on the paper. He spilled the water cup a few times. After a bit he picked up the cup and dumped it. We were done painting after that.

We surprised Hunter today and met him for lunch.  Austin was thrilled to sit at the table with his "bro bro."  The kids in his class thought Ella and Austin were so cute.

Here are two videos of Austin playing basketball this afternoon.  He would do this all day if I let him. 

After Hunter got home from school I took all four kids to the playground.  It was so nice and warm out today.  I forgot my camera, but Hunter was able to go across a really tough set of monkey bars.  Austin was having a great time on this spinning cup that you sit in.  And, Ella was climbing like a monkey!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The SUN came out today...

Austin watching cookie monster on YouTube.  He insisted on wearing the headphones:

I had forgotten what Carolina Blue really looked like...until today.  When I told Austin and Ella we were going outside to play Austin screamed and ran for the door.  He opened it and busted outside without any pants or shoes.  He was ready!

We practiced taking turns and pushing each other on the swings:

We took a short little walk with the wagon.

I caught Hunter red handed shaking the sea salt container into his mouth tonight.  He jumped when I said his name.  He tried to say he didn't do it, but he had salt all over his lips.  He wiped his lips before I could take the picture.  He was begging for water.  I think he got more then he expected. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Move over Monday, we're ready for Tuesday!

Hunter was on day five of being stuck at home.  After a few days of being sick, a cold and wet weekend, and a teacher workday today...I think he is actually ready to go back to school!

Some little artists at work:

It was game night for Hunter.  Even though the do not play the national anthem, Austin was ready for it.  Really he was staring at the kids playing.  He really wants to go out there and join them!

He has made a lot of improvements so far this season.  He is really doing well on defense.  He is player number 4 on the yellow team.

He likes to look over at us during the game...maybe to see if we're watching. 

My dad went home from the hospital today.  Austin and I will be there Friday!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sunday News

Reading the Sunday paper:

Sunday paper wrestling:

Today Chris and Hunter were playing Maria Kart on the Wii.  Chris threw in the towel after Hunter beat him two times.  Hunter got 1st.  Chris got 12th.  aka last place.

Chris does not like to lose.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Rainy day...good day for a museum

Hunter playing Monster Jam on the Wii and Austin thinking he's playing as well. 

Tis the season for birthday parties...Hunter's weekends are booked with one party after another.  Today he went to a party for a friend at school.  It was at the science museum in downtown Raleigh.  They learned about animals and why they use camouflage to hide.  They got to pet a few different animals: a rabbit, snake, and an alligator.

When we got home Austin raided the goodie bag.  He could not figure out how to make the noise maker work.  He kept yelling, "do it, do it!"

My dad is getting better each day.  Every time I talk to him his speech gets better and better.  We're still not sure when he'll be able to leave the hospital, but once he gets home I plan on going to help out for a bit.  The first picture is Hunter and my dad from 7/2007.  Hunter was 17 months.  The second picture is of Austin and my dad from 7/2011.  Austin was 16 months.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Finally Friday...

Hunter stayed home with us again today, because he still had a fever.  This morning his temp. was around 100, but by lunch time it was back down to normal.  He woke up hungry.  He asked for a banana and carrots.  Austin and Hunter eating their breakfast...

Some how I managed to go all day with only taking one picture.  Austin didn't get out of his pajamas until bedtime when we put some clean ones on him.  I didn't really accomplish much, but I did make a really delicious white chili.  Here's the link to the recipe if you're looking for something tasty that was pretty easy. 


After dinner Hunter ALWAYS asks for a dessert.  He remembered that we had all the "ingredients" for s'mores thanks to his MooMa.  So he came up with a great idea (his words) for dessert.  "We can make s'mores, because MooMa said so."  Well, I forgot and was talking to my cousin Fran on the phone...hiding out in the car, charging my phone and talking at the same time.  It was nice and peaceful.  I realized I had been out in the car for awhile when I saw Chris staring out the window trying to figure out what I was doing.  When I came in Hunter was more then annoyed about not having his s'mores...so, at 8:30pm instead of getting ready for bed we were eating s'mores. 

I was trying to take a picture of Hunter eating a bite, but he kept making weird faces.  When I uploaded them I thought the series of pictures were funny. 

Austin got a graham cracker and a play-doh ice cream cone.  (notice...still wearing his pjs from this morning)

My dad is doing a lot better today.  We had a nice conversation this afternoon.  He said to say hello to Chris, Hunter, and the daredevil...here is a picture of my dad first meeting Hunter when he was 3 1/2 months old in May of 2006.  The next one of my dad first meeting Austin when he was 2 1/2 months old in June of 2010.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thursday art...with a little splash of a fever.

Hunter stayed home with us today because he ended up with the fever that has gone around to all the short people in our house.  We started off the day making some pictures and cards for Papa John.  Hunter wanted to paint.  So, I crossed my fingers...gave him some water colors on one side of the table and Austin crayons and markers on the other side of the table.  Well, it didn't take long for Austin to realize that Hunter was using something more fun and insisted on painting too.  It went better then expected.  He only spilled his cup three times.  He painted his paper, shirt, mouth, and the table.

Then a special friend came over to share some donut holes from dunkin donuts with the boys.  She had a feeling that Austin had never had donut holes before...she was right.  He loved them. 

Hunter started to get a little tired around 11 so I put on a movie for him.  Austin took the opportunity to cuddle with his "bro bro."  He sat and watched Harry Potter with Hunter for about 20 minutes.  I don't think he's ever sat still for so long.

Ella just loves to flirt with Cam.  She'll tickle his stomach and then giggle.  Winnie likes to hang out with Cam too. 

Thanks for all the positive thoughts about my dad.  He is doing a lot better today. 

July 26, 2011:

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Long day...

This day has been so long...it started when I got up early to go hang out with Ella and Andrew and it's still going at 11pm as I write this post.

I took Austin, Ella, and Cam to the gym at Lake Lynn again.  Walking in with 3 kids two and under is quite the workout.  They had fun!  My friend's daughter, Gabby, had fun holding Cam today.  He's three years younger then her, but almost the same size!

Hunter got off the bus without his jacket on.  It was cold and I asked him why he wasn't wearing it.  He said because he had a headache.  (makes sense to me)  So he complained of a headache on and off this evening and I kind of ignored him.  He asked to take a nap when he got home and this is where I found him after we walked inside. 

Well, that lasted for many five minutes and then he was up and running.  At 7pm when he told me for about the 5th time I took his temp. and he had a fever of 103!  I gave him some motrin and within 30 minutes he was jumping off my bed.  Literally...so, we'll see how he is tomorrow!

Austin washing his hands...

Austin washing his head...

Hanging out watching a movie with my boys...

Thinking of my dad tonight, wishing I could be at home with him.  Lots of positive thoughts and a big hug from all of us!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tuesday...even though it felt like a Monday

Austin plays basketball a lot during the day.  His new move is pushing a basket of toys close to the hoop, climbing in, and shooting from inside the basket.  He gets in and out...over and over.  Ella decided to help him out a bit today and was getting the ball for him.

Cam was so cute today playing with the big kids.  He seemed so proud of himself.  Ella loves him and likes to share toys with him.  I kept pulling his hand away from his mouth to take a picture, he would smile and then stick his hand right back into his mouth.

While Ella was busy playing with Cam...Austin was busy making a HUGE mess in his bedroom with his toys.

Then they started passing out hugs...

Andrew was downstairs playing while I was getting the other three up from their naps.  This is where we found him when we came downstairs.  Ella and Austin thought it was so funny.  Ella kept saying, "Drew Drew sleep...Drew Drew sleep."  They were both trying to wake him up.  He was out for the count.

Tonight was math night at Hunter's school.  He had a lot of fun and on our way home he told me today was the best day of his life.  :)

Austin, of course, found a ball in one of the classrooms.  Chris and I took turns chasing him down the hall after the ball.  At one point he was walking by a special needs classroom where there was a huge exercise ball.  He threw the small green ball he found and yelled, "BALL...orange BALL!!"  He's like a ball magnet. 

Remember my bald baby?  Look at his curly hair after a bath.