Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday...a day to change lots of dirty diapers.

I realized today that the kids I hang out with all day eat enough fiber.  8 dirty diapers.  Enough about that...

Austin watching The Today Show with Sadie and Winnie:

Even though I try my hardest to make sure Austin is nice to others...he still seems to be a bit of a bully.  He tries to steal things from Ella all the time, he grabs at food that everyone else is eating, etc...  So, today, while feeding Cam he of course came over and tried to climb onto me to see what special treat he was being deprived of.  I had to tell him it was something yucky and I made a face.  Which led to him running off saying, "ewwwww" and then running back to see what was so yucky. 

Cam and I both thought it was pretty funny that we tricked Austin.  :)

Austin and Ella are not babies anymore.  :(  Today they were busy coloring (so glad Austin stopped eating crayons).  When they were done I gave Austin the bag and told them both to go pick up the crayons.  Assuming nothing got picked up, this is what I found when I went back in to the playroom. 

Doubling checking their work...I told Austin to check the floor and Ella to check the table.  They are two of the sweetest kids ever!! 

Last, but certainly not least...Rule #251 of parenting:  When your five year old son ASKS to wash the dishes, say yes.  (even though he'll use more water then you would washing the dishes for the week...and even if you can finish them in half the time yourself)  There is nothing better then time like this with Hunter.  He told me, "I just love washing dishes with you.  It's nice of me to help you so you don't have to do them yourself."  I can't believe how grown up he is!

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