Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dead battery in camera + picture blog does not equal out so well...

I ventured out with three kids under 2 today.  We went to play at the gym at Lake Lynn again.  I pulled out my camera to take a cute picture of Cam would not turn on.  :(  Regardless, it was a fun morning and it got us out of the house on this rainy day. 

Since Austin is now climbing out of his crib, this is where I found him after his nap today.  He was all curled up in the chair with his blanket on him.  We've talked about putting him in a real bed, but we do not have a side rail and I do not feel like dealing with him falling out of the bed over and over.  He is quite the mover when he sleeps.  This picture also shows something new...the hair he is finally getting!  Now besides a curl in the back he is sporting one on top of his head too!

Apple lovin' boys...Austin was mad because I started cutting his and he wanted to eat his "big" like "bro bro".  Hunter has to eat his apple with the side of his mouth because he has another loose tooth!

After eating an ice cream sandwich...really??

Hunter's last day of his first elective is tomorrow.  I had him write a thank you note to the teacher who taught the class.  "Dancin' Dudes" was the name of the elective.  I helped him stretch out the sounds and he wrote what he heard.  I also used my finger as a space, because he writes all of his words together.  Not so bad for a five year old!

Translation to the card above: I hope you have fun with the other kids.  I like the robot dance.

Does anyone know where Austin is? 
On the table drinking out of Hunter's water bottle.

Austin acts like getting on the table is a "normal" thing.  After I took his picture he said, "Get Down!"  And pointed to the floor. 

For those of you who know know what he is famous for.  He's been bouncing on this couch since he was younger then Austin.  (one of the reason we still have our old couch).  He has rock hard abs from this bounce move.  It's really hard to do...try it.  Now Austin tries to copy him. 

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