Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's quiet...

The boys are gone for the day/night.  It is odd here without them, but kind of nice.  Chris and I have been talking about how much can get done when there is no one else around to take care of...and how much we procrastinated while we were younger.  Which made me think of college and how much we procrastinated then...and that led me to a few hours of looking at old photo albums.  If you think I take a lot of pictures now... you should have seen how many I took back in the non-digital photo age.  (where you had to pay to develop pictures to see what you took...crazy)

Anyway...I went through album after album of my college days at Cortland.  We procrastinated a lot, but we had a ton of fun doing it.  I have the photos to prove it.  It's crazy to look at pictures and not be able to remember a place or a person in it.  But, something I will never forgot is 18 Monroe Heights living with four of the greatest people on this earth. 

Our apartment:

Jocelyn and I met in August of '96 at the beginning of field hockey season.  We got to know each other through hours of practice, games, study hall sessions that our coach made us do, etc...  The next year we roomed together in a suite.  The last two years we lived together on Monroe.  Jocelyn now lives in Oregon with her two sweet children and husband.  We got to go out there for their wedding back in '04 and had an awesome time.  I can't wait to take the boys there someday soon!  Here is a picture of Jocelyn and I from the fall of '98 and one ten years later in '08!

Jen and I met towards the end of our freshmen year.  We got to know each other a lot more the following year.  I think we were the ones to find the house on Monroe.  She now lives in New York with her sweet son and husband.  I get to see her a little more often when I go home to see my family.  The first picture is us in December of '99 in front of our Christmas tree.  Yes...we had a live tree each year.  The next picture is from twelve years later in Nov. 2011. 

Erin and I met in the fall of '96 as well, she played field hockey with Jocelyn and I.  She lived in the suite with us the next year and was our RA.  At one point she almost set our dorm room on fire by baking brownies in our illegal microwave.  Needless to say...she was a super strict RA.  :)  Erin currently lives in Germany and has been travelling all over Europe for the past few years while on breaks.  The first picture is from May of 2000, a few days before graduation...we liked to run to get to places faster.  Then next one is from the summer of 2010.  She was in the states for the summer and was all over visiting everyone.  She made a stop in Raleigh to see us. 

Lesley and I met in the spring of '97.  She was roommates with Jen and they lived in the same dorm as Jocelyn and Erin.  The first night we met she told me we were going to be best good friends forever...and she was right.  :)  She lives in California with her sweet son, husband, four cats named after breakfasts and desserts, and is expecting a daughter in a few short weeks!  The first picture is Feb. of 2000.  The second one is from this summer, Aug. 2011.  We travelled from NY to NC with three kids and she spent some time here in Raleigh.

Here is a picture of the five of us in our apartment in December of 1999.  I'm pretty sure we called this a family photo.  Check out the decor above us.  We each put up picture of us as a child and in the center was a family photo from our sophomore year.  This is just a quick glimpse at four special people who I have thought a lot about today.  If you're ever at my house...ask to see an album or two.  :)  (and yes, we're all wearing the same shirt)

So this post was not about the "Holcomb" family...but, Chris and I did not do a lot today to take pictures of.  I finished organizing our room and it looks great, if I do say so myself.  We did a little shopping and then went out to eat at Vivace in North Hills.  It was delicious and I'm still full!

1 comment:

  1. Tricia, that was so sweet. Thanks so much for being such a wonderful friend.
