Thursday, May 3, 2012

It's Almost Friday...but, not quite!

Today it was supposed to get really hot...very quickly.  I took Ella and Austin to the playground to get some morning outdoor time.  Austin spent some time trying to break out of the playground...

We went to story time at the library today...they always blow bubbles afterwards and that is how I keep Austin with me.  I you want to see the bubbles?  Today he did really well and followed along with the songs and dances.  I tried taking a few pictures, but he was moving too fast and there were lots of other kids around.

I went to lunch today at Hunter's school.  The teachers made a fantastic lunch for all of the volunteers at the school.  There was so much food!  I had to stop myself from going back for more...after two helpings and then dessert!

I came across this blog awhile back and had not read it in awhile.  Just before posting on here I clicked on it and the post from May 2nd was there. 

Read this post if you would like...  and then check out her blog sometime if you get the chance.  She seems to do amazing things for people.

Anyway...the post really touched me...this woman has many followers called Monks or Monkees who helped raise $27,000 to send a family with a terminally ill family member on vacation.  They raised the money in TEN hours with a maximum donation of $25 allowed.  That's a lot of "Monks" making donations for this family. 

The family member was given a 3% chance that her chemo would work...and her response, I have a chance?  And, currently, her chemo is working!  Her tumors are shrinking. 

The writer of the blog ended the blog post with a statement that I really believe:  "there is no diagnosis stronger than the human spirit, stronger than Hope."

I don't think it is a coincidence that I read this blog post tonight.  With everything going on with my father-in-law and his horrible diagnosis that his cancer spread to his spine and brain and is not treatable...I refuse to believe that...and can only hope that there is a doctor somewhere who can help.

"there is no diagnosis stronger than the human spirit, stronger than Hope."  ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Awesome quote. A positive outlook is so important to have when dealing with health issues. Many of the doctors and nurses I dealt with told me that they believed that played a major role in my recovery.

    On a side note, the picture of Austin trying to escape the playground reminds me of how Landon got his head stuck in our antique table today. I didn't think to get a picture for the blog. He's fine...just a little scratch on the face. It didn't phase him...he went back to try it again almost as soon as I freed him.

    1. You must always snap a photo before freeing a child! Get ready for the next time it I am guessing he'll go back for more. :)
