I guess she had an itch or something...because this was the only place she got paint on her besides her fingers/hands.
Love this picture!
Ella's hand.
He was done and took off. I had to put him in the bathtub.
His attempt at cleaning up.
One side of the table was Austin's and the other was Ella's...look at the difference!
Austin's side...
Ella's side...
Lots of sweet playing today...a little train time.
Some peek-a-boo fun.
And...let's fill the playhouse with wooden blocks.
The edible arrangement from mom and Ed for Mother's day...I ate three chocolate covered strawberries as soon as I opened it.
Austin loved it.
I had to get the kids out of the house and since animal control has yet to come with a trap for the fox who has moved in under our shed...we went to the playground.
And this is what happens when you let Hunter have nutella.
And...no, he's not painting again...but, this is what happens when you let Austin have nutella.
The table thing is too funny. Just goes to show you how different boys and girls are!