Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy 7th Birthday to Hunter!!

Hunter at 6:04am on 2/11/13.  Seven years ago at this time he was born.  So years.  (What you don't see in this picture is Austin sleeping on the floor.  Thankfully I had put pillows and blankets down on the ground in case he fell out of bed.  It must have happened sometime between 5:30 and 6am, bc he was in bed at 5:30 when I looked in their room.  I wanted to snap a picture, but was afraid the flash would wake him and waking Austin that early in the morning would have made for a stinky afternoon.  So, I did what any good mom would do...left him on the floor.  However, when I got up at 7 I checked and he was back in his bed.  So, at some point he woke up and got into bed himself.)

Birthday banana and chocolate chip waffles made for the birthday boy!

Hunter's school (actually the county) does not allow homemade baked goods, however, I asked his teacher if I could make something since no one has allergies in his classroom and she said yes.  I was happy about that, because I really hate the store bought cupcakes with all the gross frosting piled on top. So, regardless...I made mini pumpkin muffins and threw in some mini chocolate chips.  The kids all loved them.

I also brought in this fruit...

I had quite the adventure today with glass...after going grocery shopping I opened the Tahoe and one of the milk jugs fell out and shattered all over the driveway.  I cleaned it up as best as I could and left for Hunter's school.  When I got home I grabbed the bag with all the glass so I could finish cleaning it up and the bag broke and he glass shattered again on a different part of the driveway.  I said the f-word a bunch of times and cleaned it up again.  As I am entering my third trimester I have found bending over is not only hard, but painful and there I was cleaning up glass TWICE.

Later, while I was washing the dishes a glass measuring cup flew out of my hand and I watched it fall in slow motion on to the ceramic tile on the ground and shatter.  I swept it up and then asked Chris to brush it into the broom pan.  I just couldn't bend over again to clean it up.  

However, the night perked up a bit when we had Emily and Jay over for our chocolate cookie cake with homemade whipped cream.  I had no clue how easy whipped cream was to make...I will never buy it again.  I'll include the recipe to the cake below and there is a link to the whipped cream within that recipe.

I think Hunter's birthday was a good one.  I am done baking for awhile.

Whole Wheat Cookie Cake recipe:

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