Sunday, February 3, 2013

Out with the old, in with the new...

This week has been so busy.  We had something going on every night of the week and during that we had to get prepared for the floors to be installed.  Our old camera is MIA at the moment, so I do not have all the pictures that I took this week.

Monday evening, 1/28, I went to a workshop that was provided by a school in our county on helping children cope with anxiety.  It was quite helpful and I learned a lot about how to handle some of the issues Hunter has been having.

Tuesday, 1/29 was a beautiful day, so we played outside most of the day. Hunter also had a game.

 Wednesday, 1/30

It was a much colder day.  Wednesday night we had to move EVERYTHING that was in our closets and on the floor downstairs in preparation for the floors going in.  This is how tired Winnie was after we finished moving everything.  Luckily she has my big belly to rest her head on.

Thursday, 1/31

The floor installers came first thing this morning and worked all day.  They completed Austin's room, Hunter's room, the hall area, our bathroom, and part of our room.  

Here is what the rooms looked like before the carpet was ripped out.

Austin's room:

Our room with a bunch of the flooring in boxes.  We also had to take our bed apart.

Hunter's room:

The boys bathroom with a bunch of guitars piled in it.

Our bathroom packed full of stuff.

Austin playing in the sheets that I had to wash.

Toys from Austin's room in the living room.

 A bunch of clean laundry waiting to be put away.

And, the playroom piled high with items from our closets.

This is looking into Hunter's room from the hall area.

Friday, Feb. 1st.  The installers came and finished our bedroom in less then two hours.  The upstairs looks like a new house...kind of.  But, it certainly seems so much cleaner without the carpet.

All of the 1st graders at Hunter's school had to create a poster and dress like a famous American.  We went into his classroom this afternoon to see all of the students presenting their posters.

Austin's room:

Our room:

Winnie hanging out in our bathroom:

Hall area looking into Hunter's room:

Hunter as Harry Houdini.

Austin found the sink in Hunter's classroom and had to wash his hands.

Sat. 2/2.

Chris spent the day painting the quarter round, painting the trim in Austin's room (soon to be the room both boys share), and installing the quarter round.  It was an all day process.  

The boys had to run a bunch of errands with me so we had a quick bite to eat at Char Grill.

Sun. 2/3.

Chris finished up the quarter round, Hunter went and played at a friend's house, and Austin and I went and helped Emily register at Babies R Us.

This afternoon I went to Home Depot and purchased closet maid items for the closet in Austin's room.  Hopefully we will get that installed this week or next weekend.

We had Emily and Jay over for dinner and to watch the Super Bowl.

Muffins for breakfast.

Super Bowl dinner...chili, salad, and a bunch of appetizers from Trader Joes.

Hoping to get to bed early and get ready for another busy week!

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