Here are just a few of my personal favorites taken by Austin:
(some were from the week before, but still funny)
Nice action shot...surprised he got most of Hunter's body in the picture.
This one made me laugh...he took a bunch of pictures Ella's lunch, but a ton of this cucumber. He loves cucumbers!
Tuesday, 2/12/13
I was so tired on Tuesday after our busy weekend that we just hung out at home all day. By Cam's nap time I was exhausted and convinced Austin to rest in his bed (with the iPad)...Ella napped on the couch, Cam was in Hunter's old room in the pack-n-play and I was able to sleep for an hour. It was awesome.
Hunter's basketball game...forgot the zoom lens.
To keep Austin from running out on to the court he had an assortment of video things to keep him occupied.
Even though it was rainy and gross outside, we had to get out of the house to run around.
Cam did this a few times this week while eating lunch. He's not sleeping, he's chewing with his eyes closed.
I was taking a bunch of pictures of Hunter for his valentines for his class and Austin wanted his picture taken.
"Take another one, I do a silly face."
The picture we used for his valentines for his class.
My best attempt at photoshop...
The finished product.
Thursday, Feb. 14th:
Happy Valentine's Day!! Breakfast for the boys:
We worked on a Valentine's Day craft and afterwards Austin was busy painting.
Thank goodness he was naked...he was covered in paint.
He needed a quick rinse in the bathtub.
Later, all clean (and wearing underwear this time) he told me he was going to draw orange circles. And, he did.
The chicken that I had to clean by myself. It was awful. (the cleaning of it, that is)
A little muddy outside, but we needed some outdoor playtime. Hunter received the playhouse, in the background, for his 2nd birthday and just recently we moved it outside. The kids loved it inside, but we ran out of room. They love it just as much outside.
Ella let me do her hair.
The finished craft...Austin made one for Chris, Cam and Ella made one for their mom.
Flowers from my smallest Valentine..Cam.
Today was a beautiful day. I had to drop something off to Hunter's school by 10am and Hunter was getting out early for an early release, so Ella, Austin, and I went to a playground nearby and spent almost three hours there playing. We had a picnic lunch.
We picked Hunter up and then headed home. Andrew came over for the afternoon and the kids played. Later, Hunter had a Valentine's Day party that he went to from 6-9. He had a great time.
Saturday, 2/16:
We woke up to this...huge wet snowflakes.
I went to a consignment sale get "some" clothes for the baby. The boys played outside in the wet snow. They made a small snowman on the mailbox.
Hunter went to a friend's birthday party and brought home a cupcake for Austin. He stuffed most of it into his mouth in one bite.
And, I found "some" clothes! More like a TON...these were the two piles. It took me almost four hours to take all the tags, pins, and hangers off. If you are local and are interested in a consignment sale this is, by far, the best one I have been to. It's called Kids Everywear and is held twice a year at the outlet mall near the airport. The clothes are (for the most part) up to date and clean. I've been to some places that try to sell stained gross.
Better angle to see how tall the pile is compared to the chair next to it. There were 125 outfits. (spring and summer clothes for this year and next)
Sunday, 2/17:
Today I was able to sort through all the boys clothes and got rid of a lot. I moved all of their clothes into their new room. I even have some extra drawers in the dresser for sheets and such. This took up most of my day. I also washed all of the new clothes and sorted them on our bed.
Here are some of my favorites.
1st...the bathing suits...yes, there are six and yes...she'll wear a bikini.
The pink sailor suit is 3 months...perfect for this summer. And, I bought it because I knew my mom and Debby would like it.
This sundress is teeny tiny...newborn...with a teeny tiny cardigan. Everything I bought was 50% off since it was the 2nd to last day. Most of the clothes I bought were $1-$2. Some were only .50 cents and a few were $3.
The boys played in the last of the snow while I sorted clothes.
I guess it wore Austin out.
Ninja Hunter watching a movie.
This may look like a mess, but it's all organized (for the most part). Chris thinks I bought a few too many outfits. I'd have to agree.
The boys closet. I have yet to put anything on the shelves yet except for a few things to get them out of the way. Once the wall unit for the playroom comes (most likely next weekend) I will sort through all the toys and put things I don't want the kids to have access to up high in the closet.
All of Austin's clothes fit into the four drawers in the closet and they are nice and low so he can reach them. I used two of the drawers under the bed for their pajamas.
After they went to bed I got most of the baby clothes on hangers and hung them in her closet. I still have a lot of work to do in her room, but that will be done soon enough!! I don't think you left anything at the consignment shop. 6 bathing suits?!? I knew it would be dangerous for you to have a girl. ;) You must resist the cuteness!