Thursday, October 11, 2012

Wednesday, 10/10/12 (a day late)

We started off our day watching new windows being installed in Emily's house across the street.  They were both concerned about the hole in the house.  It was kind of odd, the workers were just tossing the old windows right out the hole.  I guess that's the easiest way to get them down.

The last few days have been really nice.  We've enjoyed some time outdoors. We were going to go to the playground, but Austin could not figure out what pants to wear, so we stayed home.  (no joke)

Riding our bikes...with floaties.  Never know when you might need them.

I put the dog bed in the kitchen when we leave and close the dogs in there.  As soon as I put it down they sat like this together.  I also realized how dirty the bottom of my oven is.  I'm going to assume that it is dried food from when Austin throws his dinner.  I'm also going to assume it will stay that way until my mom comes to visit.  She likes to clean stuff like that, right mom?  :)

Mr. No Nap threw a major fit as I was trying to load everyone up to go get Hunter.  Ten minutes later I finally had him strapped in.  (notice the small bungees I had to use because he kept unbuckling himself)  About ten minutes after that...this is what I saw in my rear view mirror.  45 minutes of a sleeping Austin is fantastic!!  (notice the towel he was using as a blanket)

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