Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, 10/24/12

We were so busy today, I didn't take a single picture.  Chris was home from work. Ella and Cam were here, so it was business as usual.  We went to the gym to play...I was going to vote, but the line was crazy long.

The weather was great so we played outside a lot.  

I had my 12 week appointment at 4:15 and was seen by the dr. after 5.  I always wondered why it was called a waiting room.  So, for those of you who did not know, I'm pregnant...surprise!  Sorry if I was unable to tell you myself.  Hunter has been going around telling anyone he sees that, "My mommy's going to get pregnant soon."  Instead of saying..."My mommy's going to have a baby soon."  He even shouted it from our car window one day while in the carpool line at school.

  I heard the heartbeat at this appointment...162.  We should find out the gender next month or the month after I suppose?

(please don't post anything about this on facebook yet...I'll wait a little longer before I make this facebook knowledge)

1 comment:

  1. So I've tried to post this comment about 50 times and it hasn't let me....but YAYYYY!!! SO SO SO excited for you guys!!! =)
