Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday and the Sun was out!

Austin looking cute this morning...

He was excited to show me Sponge Bob.

I was upstairs packing in Austin's room while the kids were dancing to the wiggles and the baby was moving all around.  He/she was thinking...what is this horrible music???  After packing we met up with some friends at Lake Lynn to feed the ducks and play at the playground.

Cam was not impressed and passed out a little while after this picture.  Tough life.

Playing is hard work...

The one day I didn't want him to nap...he passed out.

...and stayed asleep after I got him dressed and carried him to the car.  He slept all the way to Hunter's school and back.  When he woke up he said, "Mama, I'm so tired."

For some reason he spent most of his day without clothes on.

After lunch we watched the leaf collection truck suck up all of our leaves.


  1. Your blog is so fun to read! I love keeping up with you and "your kids!" your heart of hearts are you secretly (or even openly) hoping for a girls this time??

  2. I only meant one --- not girls!!!
