Saturday, November 3, 2012

Lice Goes On...

So, the lice saga continues...I have checked the boys heads daily, a few times a day.  Last night they both had baths with tea tree oil shampoo and a preventative spray for their hair.  This morning I was doing my normal check on Hunter's head and found two eggs.  To make things easier we decided to cut his hair, but Chris had to do it.

Hunter was pretty upset.  Chris buzzed it really short.  So, of course I had to check Austin's head and he was impossible to keep still this morning.  I thought I saw something, but it was too hard to tell.

After crying about it for about 15 minutes (me, not Austin) I agreed we should cut his hair too.  I get a little teary eyed just thinking about it now, but I am also incredibly exhausted.

So, I cut one pretty curl off his head...sealed it in a baggie for safe keeping and off he went to get his hair chopped.

One last picture with long hair.  :(

Oh, and Chris buzzed his head and shaved his beard, just to be on the safe side.  I have seriously considered shaving my head all day.

Clumps of his curls.

One clump of hair showing his blonde highlights he had for some reason.

Just about done!

And, there we have little boy without curls.

I treated the boys with cetaphil cleanser.  If you want to know more about it you can email me.  Basically it gets dried to their head and acts like a shield.  After 8 hours you wash it out and check through their hair.

I did not get around to washing the lotion out of my hair until around noon.  After that Emily came over and spent a LONG time...2-3 hours I would guess? combing through my hair.  Thank goodness, I would never have been able to do it on my own.  Thanks Emily!

I took the boys to a toy store in North Hills to pick something out since I felt so badly about making them both cut their hair so short.  

Their hair looks wet because of the cetaphil was really dry and hard.  Hunter had a hard time deciding between a ball gun and a lava lamp.  He really wanted both, but went with the ball gun.  Well, it's almost impossible to shoot, so we'll go return it tomorrow for the lava lamp.

I also took Hunter to Goodberry's for mint chocolate chip made us both feel better.

After bath time I checked the boy's heads...Hunter was fine.  I found two eggs on Austin.  We will have to go through their hair each day for many days to make sure the eggs are gone.  We cannot have anything hatch or this shit will start all over again.

Chris made an "attempt" to check my hair tonight, but that didn't last I am redoing the lotion as a precaution.  It won't hurt!

1 comment:

  1. What a nightmare!!! Lice sucks! The kids look cute with their short hair, but I can see how it would be hard to get rid of the curls. Austin looks much older now. Lice should be extinct. Really...what good purpose do they serve???
