Tuesday, July 24, 2012


And by horns, I mean the musical kind...I'll get to that in a bit.

First...Austin woke up DRY this morning.  That is the first time EVER that he has been dry after waking up from an overnight.  

He was very proud of himself.

Hunter had his buddy, Owen, over today to play.  They had a great time.  Of course, they had to get into the dress up box.  I always thought Hunter's ears were big, but today they seemed even bigger.

They were both proud of the mess they made...and this was BEFORE lunch.

After lunch we headed out to the pool.  I found an inner tube that I forgot we had and Hunter had the best time playing with it.  Ella and Austin were doing laps, literally.  They would go in by the steps at the shallow end, swim all the way to the steps in the deep end, get out, walk to the shallow end, and start over.    I cannot even say how many times they did this.  They kept saying, "watch me, watch me!"  I love their puddle jumpers...they are on my top ten list of best inventions.

At Hunter's book club tonight there were two horn players from the NC orchestra.  They had to read a book this week that had an orchestra in it so this couple came to share their time, read a book to the group, and play some music.  Afterwards they let the children try the horn out.  Hunter did awesome and he loved it.

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