Sunday, July 22, 2012

Science Time

Last night there were a ton of storms and A LOT of rain.  It was supposed to be stormy again all day today, so we went do the NC Museum of Natural Science, downtown, for the day.  (turns out it was pretty sunny after all)

Here are some shots from the day.  While Hunter and Chris were looking around, Austin wanted to "wait" on the stairs.

They have a few different research labs for people to check out.  There are also real research labs that are used during the week by scientists.   You can watch what they are doing.  Here Hunter is checking out mosquito larvae.

Using a microscope to check out their hands.

Hunter was learning how to measure out liquids.

A lizard without legs.  

A turtle in the butterfly room.

Can you spot Austin under the huge model of the earth outside of the museum?


  1. Hey, we were just there! :)
    Your pictures are humongous. How did you do that?

  2. No clue why they are big...I tried to make them smaller, but was too tired to figure it out. They are pictures from my phone, but I've used phone pictures before....weird. They are huge though!
