Sunday, September 9, 2012

Work and Fun on Sunday

When Hunter was younger we put a lock at the top of our pantry door to keep him out of it.  So, obviously it was helpful to already have when Mr. Terror...aka Austin...was born.  As Hunter got older if it was locked and he needed something, he got this little broom and moved the lock.  I think he started this around 5.

Well, since Austin has to do EVERYTHING his brother he is this morning mastering the skill at 2 1/2.  I told him to stop, but had to take a picture too...excuse the naked bottom...once he got it open he stood with his hand on his hip for a few seconds and then closed the door.  Turns out he didn't need anything from the pantry after all.

I took the kids to Marbles this morning as soon as it opened at 9 figuring we would have some crowd free time for a bit...I was right.  The boys wanted to go to the "ball room" was completely empty.  They did a good job of making a mess out of the big room.

Pizza's nice to be able to play with the correct items in the correct spot.

Then we moved to the sport area...

Austin splashed around at the water table while Hunter was on the pirate ship.  When he was younger he would spend ALL of his time on the pirate ship...and dress like one too.

Then we finished up our time there in the "community area."  Not really sure what it's called, but it has a hospital, vet area, grocery store, etc...Hunter spent the entire time in there pretending that his foot was broken.  Now he wants crutches for Christmas.

Austin was busy shopping.

And working on his patients.

He covered up all the babies in their little cribs...oh, and he insisted on wearing that monkey backpack thingy the entire time we were there.

While we were gone Chris cleaned the house and started on the lawn.  After getting Austin down for a nap I asked Hunter if he wanted to go for a run with me.  We ran the entire loop of our neighborhood, which is 1.5 miles.  He did great.  He ran close to a mile without stopping.  His first mile was 12:54 and his total time was 18:59.  Not too bad for a mile and a half for a six year old, on his first run!  He never stopped to walk, but did stop to take a few water breaks.

Today was the first day in quite awhile where there was no humidity.  It felt great.  It reminded me of we made pumpkin squares...I forgot to take a picture before we cut into them.  

Austin, who never used to eat sweets...really liked these and wanted another one.

Thumbs up from Hunter!

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