Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

A fun filled day...

Much more to add tomorrow.  Merry Christmas!!

Technically Christmas Eve, but I took these photos of the gifts for the boys after midnight.

Austin slept like this most of the night...across my head.

Hunter was up first and I tried to get him to go back to sleep in my bed...it didn't work.  But, he did wait with me for an hour before waking everyone else.

Santa and the reindeer cleared the plate!

Austin's new balance bike.

Opening their stockings.

We got Hunter his first real acoustic guitar, so we figured we should get a cheap one for Austin so he would leave Hunter's guitar alone.  

Austin had a great time with band aids!

Sadie and Winnie get their presents.

Hunter opening his aquarium...he loves it!

After opening all of our gifts I went out to the recycle bin and saw the boys present from Santa sitting outside.  They were pretty excited!

Christmas morning breakfast!

First lesson...

Hunter asked me where Jack was...I told him he was back at the North Pole to help Santa and would be back next year.  This is the face I got after I said that.

Austin had several band aids on him by the end of the day.

Another outing with the new car!

MooMa came for the day/night.

Austin could NOT keep his eyes open during lunch.

The boys each got a leap pad 2 from MooMa.

Dinner time!  Here are the candy canes...they were pretty good and took very little time to make.

Hunter playing his new Wii U.  Chris creating his own profile.

The boys were up until close to 11pm...it was a long, fun, and exciting day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Looks like you guys had an awesome Christmas. :) I love how Austin was so happy with Bandaids. Haha.
    Landon reminded me of Austin today when he would only take his medicine if he could do it himself. They are going to be trouble together. ;)
