Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Today we found Jack sitting on the windowsill with a sign that said, "Look outside."  Hunter noticed that his magical seeds turned into candy canes.

I heard some crinkling noises coming from upstairs and I knew Austin was up there using the bathroom.  By the time I got upstairs this is what I found him doing with an empty roll of Christmas wrapping paper...

And this is what I found had happened to the paper...notice the paper container knocked over and on its side.  

I realized today that I do not like trees or leaves anymore.  I have spent the past two days getting these leaves moved to the road.  

Tonight we went to Hunter's school for the book fair.  We got there and he realized he was supposed to be in his pajamas.  He was all annoyed that I forgot.  Funny thing is...he would not have dressed in pajamas anyways.

And now as I work on the blog he keeps coming downstairs (even though he is supposed to be sleeping) and making weird noises, dressed funny, and not talking.  He is carrying a notebook and anything I say he writes down.  Then he leaves with a bow and lowers his hat.  He has come down about 5 or 6 times now. How the heck am I supposed to hide Jack.  I wish he really was magical!

ps...I posted our old leather recliner for free on craigslist and got a ton of responses.  A girl that goes to State came and picked it up today.  Why?  Because our NEW chair is being delivered tomorrow!  

Good bye old chair...we won't miss you.

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