Thursday, April 19, 2012


Hunter on his way out the door for school this morning.  And below...this is what Austin wanted to watch on youtube this morning.  Yes, that is a lady with an exercise ball!

Austin, Ella, and I went to story time at the library this morning.  They have songs and dancing...along with the stories.  And, the two crazy dancers just stared at everyone like they were crazy and wouldn't even dance.  Oh well.  They did enjoy the bubbles at the end. 

After that we went to The Rainbow Room, which has a huge indoor play structure.  I never even thought to take out my camera until we were leaving.

Hunter's t-ball practice was we had our own practice with a few other players since their first game is Saturday. 

Nice and clean after practice...all ready for bed!


  1. I read your blog.....and you make me so tired....and then I feel tremendously lazy!! I am sure you have no trouble sleeping at night. You are one tremendous mother. I am so proud of you!!

    1. Thanks Hilda! Some days I wonder...especially when Hunter is in one of his grouchy moods and Austin is having on of his many tantrums! But, the good days out number the bad. And, I have NO trouble sleeping at all...but a really hard time waking up!
