Austin, Ella, and I went to pick up Winnie around noon today. She was really excited to see us! She is still settling in and finally ate a little food for me tonight. That is the first real food she has eaten since Tuesday.
She is on a few antibiotics and was given a special bag of dog food, which she hates. She had a bandage on her leg because they had just taken the IV out and when I set her down at home she was walking on only three legs. I took it off and she was fine.
She was shivering a little and the vet told me to keep her warm, so I stuck her out of the way from little hands...under the covers in Hunter's bed.
She's still a little sluggish, but thankfully all of her blood work came back completely normal which is crazy compared to the levels they were just a few nights ago! Her poor little body just couldn't handle all of the fat from that steak. :(
We're both going to bed's been an exhausting week! Glad tomorrow is Friday.
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