Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nothing Special

Hunter went to a "summer camp adventure" at a neighbors house today.  Their church organized small neighborhood summer camps instead of a big one at the church.  There were about 20 or so children ages 3 and up.  He was there for two hours and had a great time.  Austin was mad that he didn't stay, but we went a little early to pick him up so he got to play a little then.  Hunter will go tomorrow and Thursday as well.

While Hunter was at camp I was home with Ella and Austin trying to get some stuff done that has not gotten done since we've returned from the beach.  They "helped," which means it took me twice as long.

We attempted to go outside today and got eaten alive by mosquitoes...even after spraying bug spray.  Gross!

I took the boys to McDonald's for ice cream tonight.  These were the only pictures I took.  Austin discovered temporary tattoos today.  He wanted one on each arm.

Hunter decided to draw all over his face with a pen this afternoon. 

He requested another picture, because the first one wasn't funny enough.

Austin didn't have a nap today, so I figured tonight would be easy...quick bath and then bed.  Nope...he was wired.  (I would blame it on the ice cream, but he barely ate any)...he was up watching Pirates of the Caribbean with Hunter and he got off my bed and dumped the dog's water dish all over the dog's bed.  Then he proceeded to spill some of his milk all over my comforter...then he found a chapstick and when I caught him he was smearing it all over his nose saying, "My chapstick."  There was also a chunk of chapstick gone...hopefully burt's bees chapstick is non-toxic.

1 comment:

  1. Landon just started the "mine" phase. He thinks it's funny.
    He keeps taking stuff that is obviously NOT his. Like my coffee. He actually took a swig of it today - old coffee that had been out all day. I guess I shouldn't leave it out. :/
