Monday, August 27, 2012

Hunter's First Day of 1st Grade!

This morning I thought it was pretty funny how Winnie stayed in bed while I was getting ready.  I realized that my 12lb dog was sleeping by herself in a king sized bed.  She's clearly not spoiled.

Today was Hunter's first day of first grade.  Kind of odd sending him off to school to enter the grade I taught for some many years.  I hope he enjoys it more then he did Kindergarten!

Apparently I was tired when I was making breakfast.  I was going to make pancakes, but realized we did not have what I I opted for french toast.  I add the eggs, nutmeg, vanilla, and what I thought was cinnamon...which turned out to be chili powder.  Woops!  Thankfully I noticed.

So, I started over...and this time I dropped the nutmeg into the eggs and way too much cinnamon spilled in, so I had to scoop it out.  I was thinking how good it looked and wishing I made some for myself when I gave Hunter his breakfast.

Well, lucky day for me...he didn't like I got to eat it after all!

Here is Hunter by his tree that we planted when he was born.

A toothless smile for the first day of school!

Austin was excited.  He was still in his pajamas because the story time we go to on Mondays was having a pajama day.

Kind of a funny picture of both of them.  They both need a haircut!

Walking to school...his water bottle was making him fall over.

He was extremely nervous and seemed to be on the verge of tears when we got into the school.  He had this funny smile/wrinkled nose thing going on to hold back his tears.  I didn't want to get his picture with his teacher like that, so I'll have to do that another day when I go in.  Here's one shot I got when he was in between the weird face and normal face.  

On our way to story time, I looked back and saw these two holding hands.

Austin was carrying his lunchbox with his hand on his hip right before I took this.

Andrew's pajamas and vest combo at the playground this afternoon.  I finally convinced him to change around 3pm today.  (mind you it was super hot today)

This is what I found in our driveway when we got home this afternoon.  It ran off to the neighbors yard before I could take a picture.  Andrew was yelling...A MOOSE, A MOOSE and Ella was freaking out.

A little first day of school treat...Yogurt Mountain!  Yum!

Hunter was a little negative about school this afternoon and evening, but we're trying to point out the positives.  We filled out the form for his first and second quarter electives and he's excited for his choices!  He did say he had fun at lunch and recess.  He saw all his old friends and said his teacher was nice and didn't yell.  :)

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