Thursday, August 2, 2012

X-ray, X-ray, who wants an X-ray?

Today started off just fine...we went for a REALLY long walk with the wagon and Hunter's scooter.  We were all ready to pass out from heat exhaustion when we got back, but cooled off in the house. 

We did a little school work.  Hunter took these photos.

Austin finding the blue bear.

After lunch I was getting things picked up and trying to get ready to drive Hunter to camp when Austin fell and started crying hysterically.

He cried and cried, holding his wrist.  We all saw him on the floor, but did not actually see him fall.

I waited a bit hoping he would stop crying, but he didn't.  So, I called his doctor, made an appointment, brought Hunter and Owen to camp, dropped Ella off at her house, and off we the doctors...Austin moaning and crying all the way.  He was content with an ice pack.

At the doctors we noticed it was a little swollen and she sent us across the hall to radiology where they did two x-rays of Austin's arm from his finger tips to a little past his elbow.

They were not sure how long it would take to have the x-rays read, so we went home to rest and take some medicine for pain.  By the time we were almost home the doctor called and said his x-rays showed everything normal.  She said to watch for more swelling and to see if he will use his hand...she also said it could take 3-5 days to get better.  She mentioned that sometimes hairline fractures do not show up on x-rays until they start to heal.

Here he is after the x-rays.

I told him to make a pouty lip.

He spent the next few hours moaning, crying, using his ice pack, etc...

Then around 6:30 he just started acting normal, was using his right hand again, and was fine.  So weird!

We all ran out to the mall tonight to check out Ipads.  We're going to get one tomorrow since it's tax free weekend!  Woohoo!  Not sure who is more excited and I have a feeling we're all going to be fighting over it this weekend.

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